# Communication

Coordinator: Yulia Movsesova (opens new window)

We need communication with the public to attract volunteers and refugees to use our services.

# Content Plan

WeHelp Content Plan (opens new window)

# Requirements

  • Availability min. 2 hours per day

# Process

  1. Attend Team Meeting 15 minutes daily
  2. Follow Guidelines of WeHelp Vision (opens new window) and WeHelp Handbook (opens new window)
  3. Define Objectives and Key Results
  4. Develop a Content Plan for a week
  5. Rewrite text for our target audience in social media (easy, understandable, in their language)
  6. Prepare assets for social media.
  7. Publish news about projects: what we offer, what we need.
  8. Identify urgent and important big and complex problems to solve next.
  9. Publish stories of those who moved.

# Our Channels

  1. Word of mouth
  2. Volunteers chats (Telegram, WhatsApp)
  3. Google search
  4. Social Media
    1. Telegram - https://t.me/wehelplive (opens new window)
    2. Instagram - https://instagram.com/wehelplive (opens new window)
    3. Twitter - https://twitter.com/wehelplive (opens new window)
    4. Facebook - https://fb.com/WeHelpLiveFB (opens new window)
    5. LinkedIn - https://linkedin.com/company/wehelplive (opens new window)
    6. YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp8WN3Abo6p8GahnWSaNKFg (opens new window)
    7. Medium - https://medium.com/wehelplive (opens new window)
    8. Github - https://github.com/wehelplive (opens new window)
    9. AngelList - https://angel.co/company/wehelplive (opens new window)
  5. Facebook groups (Russian-/Ukrainian- speaking)
  6. Press
    1. Press Release: Russian (opens new window), German (opens new window)
  7. Internal chats of volunteer's co-workers
  8. Info boards
    1. Volunteer Organizations and temporary refugee support centers
    2. Border control
    3. Transport: Trains, Cars, Buses, Airports
    4. Ukrainian Embassies and Consulates
    5. Russian and Ukrainian shops

Reaches the public to attract volunteers and refugees to use our services.

# Brand Personality

Our Brand is rebel, young, innovative, friendly and elite. It’s extremely Expressive and Modern. It’s rather playful than serious, but not extremely.

# Tone of Voice

# Personality traits

  • caring
  • helpful
  • friendly
  • precise
  • informative
  • respectful
  • professional
  • trustworthy
  • informative
  • enthusiastic
  • friendly
  • clear, short and to the point
  • creative
  • innovative
  • sustainable minded
  • passionate
  • smart
  • sympathetic

# How is the product NOT?

  • conservative
  • nostalgic
  • unkempt
  • irreverent
  • sarcastic
  • funny
  • romantic
  • speculative
  • playful
  • messy
  • smiley
  • decorative
  • cheerful
  • casual
  • technical

Yes Copy

(words, phrases and topics to incorporate)

  • peace
  • trust
  • education
  • hope
  • exchange
  • accommodations
  • refugee crisis
  • let's see how we can help
  • gift
  • reviews
  • care
  • donation

No Copy

(words, phrases and topics NOT to incorporate)

  • war
  • I can't help you
  • I don't know
  • alone

Yes Media

(things to include in images or video)

  • refugees success stories
  • smiling faces
  • own pictures
  • quality photos
  • art
  • infographics
  • healthy lifestyle
  • collaborations from photographs and artists

No Media

(things not to include in images or video)

  • licensed materials
  • photos that remind war
  • long boring texts
  • alcohol
  • unhealthy food
  • photos or art without a tag from the owner

Yes Emoji

(emojis that are ok to use)

  • weather
  • dog
  • heart
  • house
  • healthy food and drinks
  • cats
  • to define time (watch etc)
  • vegetables
  • white pigeon (peace)
  • transport (car, plance)
  • activities (ball, exercise)
  • devices (phone)
  • numbers

No Emoji

(emojis that are not ok to use)

  • face emojis
  • flags
  • bombs
  • weapon
  • alcohol
  • tobacco